Hotel information

Important information for your stay at Hotel La Perla

Arrival and departure
Rooms are available from 3 pm at the latest on arrival day. Please send us a brief message if you expect to arrive later than 7 pm.
On the day of departure we ask you to vacate the room by 11 am.
Discounts for children staying in a room with their parents
  - Children up to 1 year pay Euro 25,00 per day - Children from 1 to 3 years pay Euro 45.00 per day - Children from 3 to 6 years of age receive a 50 % reduction - Children from 6 to 12 years have a reduction of 30 %.  
Tourist tax
The tourist tax of Euro 3,90 per person and night is not included in the price.
Children and adolescents under 14 years of age are exempt from the tax.
Method of payment at the hotel
We accept cash, credit card or bank card.
Your booking is confirmed once we have received a written reservation and a deposit of 30% of the total amount.
Deposits can be made by bank transfer or by credít card.
Cancellation policy
- For cancellations up to 21 days before the booked arrival day
  you will be credited with the deposit for a future vacation with us at "La Perla".
- Cancellation from 20 to 8 days before arrival
  fees of 50% of the booked total amount will be charged.
- Cancellation 7 and less days before arrival or in case of non-arrival
  there will be a fee of 100% of the total amount booked.

Travel cancellation insurance
Occasionally something can happen before the start of a trip. With our cancellation insurance you are financially covered.
Take precautions, avoid additional cancellation charges by taking out our trip cancellation insurance.   here.


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