Offers & package deals

Many advantages

Our special offers and package deals in summer offer added value for your vacations: Guided tours, wellness treatments, beauty vouchers etc.

Hiking holiday in the Dolomites

from 31.08.2025 to 02.11.2025

When the summer slowly fades away, nature finds its peace and the sky appears clearer than ever before, there is a very special natural spectacle to observe in Val Gardena/Gröden: Burning Dolomites.

BURNING DOLOMITES: A unique natural spectacle in Val Gardena

You can't miss these experiences in autumn:

Sunset hike to Sëurasas

The hike starts in the late afternoon and runs through magical forests. The light of the setting sun dives the surroundings in a magic atmosphere. Enjoy the last sunrays, the unique color spectacle of the sky and the glowing rocks of the Dolomites.

As a Val Gardena Active Partner, our guests can take part in the guided hike every Thursday in autumn free of charge.
(Programme subject to change)

Inclusive services for hiker

The hiking service package

  • 4 times per week hiking with our Hotelguide Roland
  • 4 or 5 times per week guided excursions
  • free rental of hiking poles and backpacks
  • individual hiking tips
  • the shuttle service: from the hotel to the cableways in Ortisei
  • free use of all buses with the Val Gardena Mobilcard


Val Gardena Active

Experience the magic of nature

Experience the magic of nature – Val Gardena is the best place for it.
In our valley, hikers, mountain lovers and mountain bikers alike will find what they so highly appreciate:
a wide choice of routes offer you at every step and turn new nature experiences.

Whether active sportspeople, culture enthusiasts or bon vivants, everybody’s taken care of.

As our guests from May to October you can take part in the below listed events for free or for a reduced price.

NEW: Val Gardena Trip Planner

In a few clicks to the perfect hike with lift and bus

The Val Gardena Trip Planner is the ideal planning tool which helps you to find and plan the ideal hike or walk to the targeted destination directly from the hotel.

A unique, brand-new tool which takes into consideration also open lifts and available public transport in Val Gardena!

Val Gardena Trip Planner ->

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